HONESTY: I will give my interpretation with as much compassion
and honesty as possible. This includes those parts of a chart/reading that may
be more challenging to the client than others.
NON-JUDGMENTAL: My interpretations are made with no
judgement of what the chart or cards say.
EXPERTISE: If I am unsure of something that is in a chart
or reading, I will say so. I will, at my discretion, and with your permission, approach other
professionals to find out more information.
RESPONSIBILITY: I am not responsible for your life or
your life choices. I can only provide you with information that may or may not
allow you to make more informed choices for yourself.
EMPOWERMENT: The readings and chart interpretations are
not set in stone. You have the power to change your own life by making more informed choices.
PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT: At all times, I will maintain an ethical and professional
relationship with my clients and will never abuse a client’s trust and
vulnerability for my personal benefit.