Monday, 8 April 2024

Today is the Day!

At last, I'm pleased to announce the publication of my latest book, THE SAND PEOPLE, a collection of magical realism and other stories. I'm writing under the pen name  J A  CROOME now, so  remember to FOLLOW J A CROOME on Goodreads for updates on new book releases. Here's a teaser of what some of the stories in THE SAND PEOPLE are about:

If you enjoyed the teaser, rush out and buy your copy of THE SAND PEOPLE on Take-a Lot (South Africa) or on AMAZON (International)

Writing the short stories in THE SAND PEOPLE was both challenging and rewarding. Between nearly two years of major eye surgery, crushing self-doubt about my writing, and learning to live without my beloved Beric, reaching for every word was a struggle I could not have won without the generous support of several key people.

At nearly ninety years old, my mother, Dawn Heinemann, took over all practical housekeeping duties when I disappeared into my cave to wrestle with my writing demons. Her fierce spirit of independence gave me the gift of freedom to write, while the example she set and her unconditional mother’s love gave me the inner strength to complete this book.

My family and all my friends (old and new) enrich my life enormously, as does that cat extraordinaire, Mighty Mr Mittens, the sweetest, bravest familiar any writer can ask for.

I am incredibly grateful for the presence of Dr Joanne Pautz,  Jess van Herwijnen, Chris Hajec, and Gary Chapman in my life. Joanne’s unfaltering friendship and support; Chris’s unconditional acceptance and understanding; Jess’s uncanny ability and willingness to provide wise guidance whenever needed; and the lengthy debates with Gary on everything from philosophy to fishing make me happy and emphasise the importance of human connection in the necessarily introverted life of a writer.

No acknowledgement is complete without honouring my ancestors and loved ones in spirit, in particular, my late father, Isaac Benjamin Heinemann, a gifted clairvoyant and dowser, and my late husband, Dr. Beric Croome, whose brilliant intellect and deep spirituality made him unique. Always remembered, always at my side.

My cherished writing friends for over twenty years, Leonie Anderson, Janet Chamberlain, Debs Valentyne, and Liesel van Wyk, have, once again, improved my work with their editing skills and insightful comments. 

While the creative expression of all stories in this anthology is mine, I must thank my brother-in-law Ian Cockerill for his technical advice in “Where the Wind Talks.” Any error of fact is due to my creative interpretation of his extensive mining knowledge.

I am also grateful to Wendy Bow of Apple Pie Graphics for the beautiful cover design and to Dave Henderson and his team at My eBook (South Africa) for their technical expertise. 

Judy Ann Croome (2024)

Johannesburg South Africa


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Judy - congratulations ... and so interesting to read the process together with at that time your ever supportive mother, while the acknowledgements are of huge value. I've just ordered ... so I'll be enjoying the stories as time goes on - cheers Hilary

Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

Thanks Hilary! It's been a long slog to get this book out, so I'm very glad it's over. Thanks for your support i ordering a copy - I hope you enjoy it! :)