Monday, 7 January 2013

I made the Top 10 books of 2012

After a slow start 2013 has suddenly picked up! 

I've just been advised that my spiritual novel DANCING IN THE SHADOWS OF LOVE has been picked by Lee Harmon of THE DUBIOUS DISCIPLE as one of his Top 10 Religious Reads for 2012.

Here's what Lee had to say about why he picked DANCING IN THE SHADOWS OF LOVE for this honour:

A captivating and haunting novel about love, betrayal, lust, trust, and learning to live again. This one earns its place because of its penetrating writing style.

You can find out more about all ten of Lee's Top 10 Reads here.

Lee's blog is listed as "an exceptional website for Christian theologians" on the Top 100 Christian Websites (The Dubious Disciple is in the top 10 under the "General Category"),  so his pick of DANCING IN THE SHADOWS OF LOVE is a real honour!

Thank you, Lee!

And a Happy 2013 to all - let's hope the good news keeps rolling in!