Links & Articles

Judy Croome on Wikipedia 


Bryanston Wellness Centre (My tarot practice rooms are located here)

Dr Beric Croome, Tax Advocate and Author (My late husband's blog. No more need be said)

Sundry - Tarot and Esoteric

Aquarius Papers (Robert Wilkinson's excellent site on global astrology)

Sundry - Poetry

Wendy Bow of Apple Pie Graphics designs my covers
Dave Henderson of MYeBook designs my eBooks
Claire Robyns, Author  (Author of Historical and Contemporary Romances)
Inkspill Magazine (An on-line magazine for literary creatives)
Fiction for a New Age (A place to go to discuss the exciting new genre spiritual fiction)
Spiritual Fiction.Net (Another place to discuss spiritual fiction)
National English Literary Museum ( South African Literary Archives)
Thoughts from Botswana (Author Lauri Kubuitsile's blog)

Below is a list of articles I've written 
for on-line websites or e-magazines.  
Please feel free to use them for non-commercial purposes, 
but make sure to link back with full author 
and original website accreditation.

Women Writers of Africa Series: 

What are you really saying? (link to follow)

A Rose by Any Other Name (link to follow)

Playing Tag the Self-Publisher Way (NOTE: This article from 2012 - Amazon stopped tags in 2013)