Saturday, 6 November 2021

the dust of hope: from page to screen

I had such fun making the book trailer for my latest volume of poetry "the dust of hope: rune poems" released by Aztar Press in September 2021. 

Browsing for images from iStock's enormous collection was challenging - so many beautiful photos, how could I chose only 7? And then the, as always, painful process of paying for them in ZAR! Hunting for the perfect audio in Shockwaves vast archives was relatively easy - the perfect tune popped up almost immediately. 

Hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I enjoyed making it! 

And you can buy your own copy from Amazon or access it free if you are a member of Kindle Unlimited. 

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Judy - fun to see how you've pulled it altogether - it looks really professional and good to know you had happy times making the book trailer. Congratulations and all the best - Hilary