Sunday, 31 July 2016

For the Love of Poetry

South African poet Judy Croome was judge of the 2016 Writers 2000 Poetry Competition. 

Read the "BEDFORDVIEW & EDENVALE NEWS" article here.

Listen to Judy Croome present feedback to competitors and announces the winner: 

All the photos of the festive function at Inyoni Creek Club House 
Here are a few photo highlights:
Andrea Girling wins a volume of my poetry "a Lamp at Midday"
Giving the poetry entrants feedback and announcing the winners
Chairperson Nicki Bosman, Vice Chair Mike Corders and
Burgie Ireland of Writers2000
The Carnival themed Awards lunch had some imaginative and fun masks!
(I'm not wearing a mask!)
David and Gail Robbins from Porcupine Press.
David judged the non-fiction category.
Anthony Ehlers judged the fiction category
Poetry prizewinners from Left to Right: Jill Jacques (2nd placed poem "Sheddings"), myself,
Meggan Preuss (1st placed poem "You and I" and Duncan Steptoe (3rd placed poem "Emergence")
Being a judge has its rewards - not only reading great poetry ,
but also walking off with some lovely gifts!

Thank you to Writers 2000 for a fun filled afternoon!  

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Judy - thanks for putting this up - I'll be back to listen again .. are the poems available to read - by chance? I can then see what you're talking about ...

Interesting about the Olympics ...

I hope all is well ... it was good to hear you talk ... brought back memories! Cheers Hilary